9 Tips To Help You Quit Smoking

You’ve made a great decision to give up smoking, and you’ll give yourself the best chance of success by preparing properly. The tips and advice on this page are an excellent way to get yourself ready.

Once you’ve picked your quit date, remember to add it to your calendar.


1. List your reasons to quit

Cost, health, family, the future – whatever the reasons, keep reminding yourself why you decided to quit. Make a list to read when you need support. You can do this on the Stoptober app.


2. Tell people you’re quitting

Quitting smoking is easier with people supporting you, so let family and friends know you’re planning to quit. Ask them to check in on you and help distract you if cravings strike.


3. Remember what worked

Don’t be put off if you’ve tried to quit before – you will have learnt a lot from that experience. Write down what worked well and keep a record of your progress. Create a Personal Quit Plan to see what might work best for you this time.


4. Use stop smoking aids

Stop smoking aids increase your chances of quitting successfully compared to willpower alone. From prescription tablets to nicotine replacement therapies (NRT) and e-cigarettes, your local Stop Smoking Service, GP or pharmacist can help find the mix that’s right for you.


5. Have a plan

If you have a potentially stressful event, like a wedding or important day at work, plan what you will do if you’re tempted to smoke. If you’re using an e-cigarette or NRT, make sure you have them with you.


6. Change your routine

List your smoking triggers and think about how to avoid them. If you usually smoke at certain times – after food, with a coffee or after putting the kids to bed – decide ahead what to do instead of lighting up.


7. Keep busy

When cravings come, go for a walk, play a game on your mobile or phone a friend to keep busy. If you have NRT or an e-cigarette, use them as much as necessary to keep cravings at bay.


8. Exercise away the urge

Physical activity may help reduce your nicotine cravings. When you have the urge to smoke, do something active instead. Go to the gym or for a swim, or do a little gentle exercise like a short walk.


9. Learn from others

Everyone’s quitting journey is different but you’re never alone. Join the Facebook group for inspiration, support and advice from others who have quit or are trying to quit just like you.


… And good luck!

Don’t forget to throw away all your cigarettes before you start. Remember, there is never “just one”. You can do it!​​​​​

​​​​​​This article was originally published by www.nhs.uk/oneyou​

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